
Disruptions and uncertainty due to the spread of the virus is having negative impacts on the mental health of many young people; it is also worsening symptoms for those who may already experience anxiety and related mental health concerns.

Hello, I am Dr. Jayna Bonfini and in this video I will be talking about stress in young adults caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Disruptions and uncertainty due to the spread of the virus is having negative impacts on the mental health of many young people; it is also worsening symptoms for those who may already experience anxiety and related mental health concerns. There can be a wide range of reactions and over the next few weeks or months in which you may experience periods of:

  • Difficulty concentrating and sleeping 
  • Irritability
  • Worry over what is known and unknown
  • Feeling helpless and unsure of what to do
  • Social withdrawal and isolation
There are ways to manage stress around Covid-19. The first step is to keep connected. Maintaining social networks can help maintain a sense of normalcy and provide valuable outlets for sharing feelings and relieving stress. Many schools’ clubs and organization have moved operations online and offer a way to stay involved even when not physically on campus. Take advantage of programs that will connect you with others and meet new people who have shared interests.

Second, try to limit worry and agitation by lessening the time you spend watching or listening to upsetting media coverage. Although you want to keep informed, remember to take a break from watching the news and focus on the things that are positive in your life and what you do have control over. Things like how you care for yourself by exercising, getting enough sleep, and eating healthy foods are in your control. Other things that are in your control include your mindset, your efforts, the language that you use, and how your treat others. 

Lastly, when classes moved online in the Spring, you may have been pulled out of a supportive academic environment where you were succeeding and into a new learning environment where neither you nor your instructors were prepared. Whether or not your experience is face-to-face or remote this Fall, your experience will be different than your expectations. Although it may be different, that does not mean that it can’t be good. Try to look for the opportunities in whatever situation you find yourself in. 

You are capable of handling life’s challenges. However, if you find yourself struggling despite you best efforts to manage your stress, and you need some professional support, please contact your health care professional to discuss your symptoms.

Thank you for watching.

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